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[clion stm32]openocd资料









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  1. brew install openocd

  1. brew install telnet


  1. openocd -f <接口配置文件> -f <目标芯片配置文件> -c <要执行的命令>

  1. adapter_khz [khz]
  2.       With an argument, change to the specified maximum jtag speed.  For
  3.       JTAG, 0 KHz signifies adaptive  clocking. With or without argument,
  4.       display current setting. (command valid any time)
  5. adapter_name
  6.       Returns the name of the currently selected adapter (driver) (command
  7.       valid any time)
  8. adapter_nsrst_assert_width [milliseconds]
  9.       delay after asserting SRST in ms (command valid any time)
  10. adapter_nsrst_delay [milliseconds]
  11.       delay after deasserting SRST in ms (command valid any time)
  12. add_help_text command_name helptext_string
  13.       Add new command help text; Command can be multiple tokens. (command
  14.       valid any time)
  15. add_script_search_dir <directory>
  16.       dir to search for config files and scripts (command valid any time)
  17. add_usage_text command_name usage_string
  18.       Add new command usage text; command can be multiple tokens. (command
  19.       valid any time)
  20. arm
  21.       ARM command group (command valid any time)
  22.   arm core_state ['arm'|'thumb']
  23.         display/change ARM core state
  24.   arm disassemble address [count ['thumb']]
  25.         disassemble instructions
  26.   arm mcr cpnum op1 CRn CRm op2 value
  27.         write coprocessor register
  28.   arm mrc cpnum op1 CRn CRm op2
  29.         read coprocessor register
  30.   arm reg
  31.         display ARM core registers
  32.   arm semihosting ['enable'|'disable']
  33.         activate support for semihosting operations
  34.   arm semihosting_fileio ['enable'|'disable']
  35.         activate support for semihosting fileio operations
  36. array2mem arrayname bitwidth address count
  37.       convert a TCL array to memory locations and write the 8/16/32 bit
  38.       values
  39. bindto [name]
  40.       Specify address by name on which to listen for incoming TCP/IP
  41.       connections (command valid any time)
  42. bp <address> [<asid>]<length> ['hw'|'hw_ctx']
  43.       list or set hardware or software breakpoint
  44. command
  45.       core command group (introspection) (command valid any time)
  46.   command mode [command_name ...]
  47.         Returns the command modes allowed by a  command:'any', 'config', or
  48.         'exec'.  If no command isspecified, returns the current command
  49.         mode.  Returns 'unknown' if an unknown command is given. Command
  50.         can be multiple tokens. (command valid any time)
  51.   command type command_name [...]
  52.         Returns the type of built-in command:'native', 'simple', 'group',
  53.         or 'unknown'. Command can be multiple tokens. (command valid any
  54.         time)
  55. debug_level number
  56.       Sets the verbosity level of debugging output. 0 shows errors only; 1
  57.       adds warnings; 2 (default) adds other info; 3 adds debugging.
  58.       (command valid any time)
  59. dump_image filename address size
  60. echo [-n] string
  61.       Logs a message at "user" priority. Output message to stdout. Option
  62.       "-n" suppresses trailing newline (command valid any time)
  63. exit
  64.       exit telnet session
  65. fast_load
  66.       loads active fast load image to current target - mainly for profiling
  67.       purposes
  68. fast_load_image filename address ['bin'|'ihex'|'elf'|'s19'] [min_address [max_length]]
  69.       Load image into server memory for later use by fast_load; primarily
  70.       for profiling (command valid any time)
  71. find <file>
  72.       print full path to file according to OpenOCD search rules (command
  73.       valid any time)
  74. flash
  75.       NOR flash command group (command valid any time)
  76.   flash bank bank_id driver_name base_address size_bytes chip_width_bytes
  77.             bus_width_bytes target [driver_options ...]
  78.         Define a new bank with the given name, using the specified NOR
  79.         flash driver. (configuration command)
  80.   flash banks
  81.         Display table with information about flash banks. (command valid
  82.         any time)
  83.   flash erase_address ['pad'] ['unlock'] address length
  84.         Erase flash sectors starting at address and continuing for length
  85.         bytes.  If 'pad' is specified, data outside that range may also be
  86.         erased: the start address may be decreased, and length increased,
  87.         so that all of the first and last sectors are erased. If 'unlock'
  88.         is specified, then the flash is unprotected before erasing.
  89.   flash erase_check bank_id
  90.         Check erase state of all blocks in a flash bank.
  91.   flash erase_sector bank_id first_sector_num last_sector_num
  92.         Erase a range of sectors in a flash bank.
  93.   flash fillb address value n
  94.         Fill n bytes with 8-bit value, starting at word address.  (No
  95.         autoerase.)
  96.   flash fillh address value n
  97.         Fill n halfwords with 16-bit value, starting at word address.  (No
  98.         autoerase.)
  99.   flash fillw address value n
  100.         Fill n words with 32-bit value, starting at word address.  (No
  101.         autoerase.)
  102.   flash info bank_id ['sectors']
  103.         Print information about a flash bank.
  104.   flash init
  105.         Initialize flash devices. (configuration command)
  106.   flash list
  107.         Returns a list of details about the flash banks. (command valid any
  108.         time)
  109.   flash padded_value bank_id value
  110.         Set default flash padded value
  111.   flash probe bank_id
  112.         Identify a flash bank.
  113.   flash protect bank_id first_block [last_block|'last'] ('on'|'off')
  114.         Turn protection on or off for a range of protection blocks or
  115.         sectors in a given flash bank. See 'flash info' output for a list
  116.         of blocks.
  117.   flash read_bank bank_id filename offset length
  118.         Read binary data from flash bank to file, starting at specified
  119.         byte offset from the beginning of the bank.
  120.   flash verify_bank bank_id filename offset
  121.         Read binary data from flash bank and file, starting at specified
  122.         byte offset from the beginning of the bank. Compare the contents.
  123.   flash write_bank bank_id filename offset
  124.         Write binary data from file to flash bank, starting at specified
  125.         byte offset from the beginning of the bank.
  126.   flash write_image [erase] [unlock] filename [offset [file_type]]
  127.         Write an image to flash.  Optionally first unprotect and/or erase
  128.         the region to be used.  Allow optional offset from beginning of
  129.         bank (defaults to zero)
  130. gdb_breakpoint_override ('hard'|'soft'|'disable')
  131.       Display or specify type of breakpoint to be used by gdb 'break'
  132.       commands. (command valid any time)
  133. gdb_flash_program ('enable'|'disable')
  134.       enable or disable flash program (configuration command)
  135. gdb_memory_map ('enable'|'disable')
  136.       enable or disable memory map (configuration command)
  137. gdb_port [port_num]
  138.       Normally gdb listens to a TCP/IP port. Each subsequent GDB server
  139.       listens for the next port number after the base port number
  140.       specified. No arguments reports GDB port. "pipe" means listen to
  141.       stdin output to stdout, an integer is base port number, "disabled"
  142.       disables port. Any other string is are interpreted as named pipe to
  143.       listen to. Output pipe is the same name as input pipe, but with 'o'
  144.       appended. (command valid any time)
  145. gdb_report_data_abort ('enable'|'disable')
  146.       enable or disable reporting data aborts (configuration command)
  147. gdb_save_tdesc
  148.       Save the target description file
  149. gdb_sync
  150.       next stepi will return immediately allowing GDB to fetch register
  151.       state without affecting target state (command valid any time)
  152. gdb_target_description ('enable'|'disable')
  153.       enable or disable target description (configuration command)
  154. halt [milliseconds]
  155.       request target to halt, then wait up to the specifiednumber of
  156.       milliseconds (default 5000) for it to complete
  157. help [command_name]
  158.       Show full command help; command can be multiple tokens. (command
  159.       valid any time)
  160. hla
  161.       perform hl adapter actions (command valid any time)
  162.   hla newtap basename tap_type '-irlen' count ['-expected_id' number]
  163.         Create a new TAP instance named basename.tap_type, and appends it
  164.         to the scan chain. (configuration command)
  165. hla_command hla_command <command>
  166.       execute a custom adapter-specific command
  167. hla_device_desc description_string
  168.       set the a device description of the adapter (configuration command)
  169. hla_layout layout_name
  170.       set the layout of the adapter (configuration command)
  171. hla_serial serial_string
  172.       set the serial number of the adapter (configuration command)
  173. hla_vid_pid (vid pid)*
  174.       the vendor and product ID of the adapter (configuration command)
  175. init
  176.       Initializes configured targets and servers.  Changes command mode
  177.       from CONFIG to EXEC.  Unless 'noinit' is called, this command is
  178.       called automatically at the end of startup. (command valid any time)
  179. interface driver_name
  180.       Select a debug adapter interface (driver) (configuration command)
  181. interface_list
  182.       List all built-in debug adapter interfaces (drivers) (command valid
  183.       any time)
  184. interface_transports transport ...
  185.       Declare transports the interface supports. (configuration command)
  186. itm
  187.       itm command group (command valid any time)
  188.   itm port <port> (0|1|on|off)
  189.         Enable or disable ITM stimulus port (command valid any time)
  190.   itm ports (0|1|on|off)
  191.         Enable or disable all ITM stimulus ports (command valid any time)
  192. jsp_port [port_num]
  193.       Specify port on which to listen for incoming JSP telnet connections.
  194.       (command valid any time)
  195. jtag
  196.        (command valid any time)
  197.   jtag arp_init
  198.          (command valid any time)
  199.   jtag arp_init-reset
  200.          (command valid any time)
  201.   jtag cget
  202.   jtag configure
  203.   jtag init
  204.          (command valid any time)
  205.   jtag names
  206.          (command valid any time)
  207.   jtag tapdisable
  208.   jtag tapenable
  209.   jtag tapisenabled
  210. jtag_ntrst_delay
  211.        (command valid any time)
  212. load_image filename address ['bin'|'ihex'|'elf'|'s19'] [min_address] [max_length]
  213. log_output file_name
  214.       redirect logging to a file (default: stderr) (command valid any time)
  215. mdb ['phys'] address [count]
  216.       display memory bytes
  217. mdh ['phys'] address [count]
  218.       display memory half-words
  219. mdw ['phys'] address [count]
  220.       display memory words
  221. measure_clk
  222.       Runs a test to measure the JTAG clk. Useful with RCLK / RTCK.
  223.       (command valid any time)
  224. mem2array arrayname bitwidth address count
  225.       read 8/16/32 bit memory and return as a TCL array for script
  226.       processing
  227. mflash
  228.       mflash command group (command valid any time)
  229.   mflash bank soc_type base_addr pin_id target
  230.         configure a mflash device bank (configuration command)
  231.   mflash init
  232.         initialize mflash devices (configuration command)
  233. mmw address setbits clearbits
  234.       Modify word in memory. new_val = (old_val & ~clearbits) | setbits;
  235.       (command valid any time)
  236. mrb address
  237.       Returns value of byte in memory. (command valid any time)
  238. mrw address
  239.       Returns value of word in memory. (command valid any time)
  240. ms
  241.       Returns ever increasing milliseconds. Used to calculuate differences
  242.       in time. (command valid any time)
  243. mwb ['phys'] address value [count]
  244.       write memory byte
  245. mwh ['phys'] address value [count]
  246.       write memory half-word
  247. mww ['phys'] address value [count]
  248.       write memory word
  249. nand
  250.       NAND flash command group (command valid any time)
  251.   nand device bank_id driver target [driver_options ...]
  252.         defines a new NAND bank (configuration command)
  253.   nand drivers
  254.         lists available NAND drivers (command valid any time)
  255.   nand init
  256.         initialize NAND devices (configuration command)
  257. noinit
  258.       Prevent 'init' from being called at startup. (configuration command)
  259. pld
  260.       programmable logic device commands (command valid any time)
  261.   pld device driver_name [driver_args ... ]
  262.         configure a PLD device (configuration command)
  263.   pld init
  264.         initialize PLD devices (configuration command)
  265. poll ['on'|'off']
  266.       poll target state; or reconfigure background polling
  267. poll_period
  268.       set the servers polling period (command valid any time)
  269. power_restore
  270.       Overridable procedure run when power restore is detected. Runs 'reset
  271.       init' by default. (command valid any time)
  272. profile seconds filename [start end]
  273.       profiling samples the CPU PC
  274. program <filename> [address] [verify] [reset] [exit]
  275.       write an image to flash, address is only required for binary images.
  276.       verify, reset, exit are optional (command valid any time)
  277. ps  
  278.       list all tasks
  279. rbp address
  280.       remove breakpoint
  281. reg [(register_number|register_name) [(value|'force')]]
  282.       display (reread from target with "force") or set a register; with no
  283.       arguments, displays all registers and their values
  284. reset [run|halt|init]
  285.       Reset all targets into the specified mode.Default reset mode is run,
  286.       if not given.
  287. reset_config [none|trst_only|srst_only|trst_and_srst]
  288.           [srst_pulls_trst|trst_pulls_srst|combined|separate]
  289.           [srst_gates_jtag|srst_nogate] [trst_push_pull|trst_open_drain]
  290.           [srst_push_pull|srst_open_drain]
  291.           [connect_deassert_srst|connect_assert_srst]
  292.       configure adapter reset behavior (command valid any time)
  293. reset_nag ['enable'|'disable']
  294.       Nag after each reset about options that could have been enabled to
  295.       improve performance.  (command valid any time)
  296. resume [address]
  297.       resume target execution from current PC or address
  298. rwp address
  299.       remove watchpoint
  300. script <file>
  301.       filename of OpenOCD script (tcl) to run (command valid any time)
  302. shutdown
  303.       shut the server down (command valid any time)
  304. sleep milliseconds ['busy']
  305.       Sleep for specified number of milliseconds.  "busy" will busy wait
  306.       instead (avoid this). (command valid any time)
  307. soft_reset_halt
  308.       halt the target and do a soft reset
  309. srst_deasserted
  310.       Overridable procedure run when srst deassert is detected. Runs 'reset
  311.       init' by default. (command valid any time)
  312. step [address]
  313.       step one instruction from current PC or address
  314. stm32f1x
  315.       stm32f1x flash command group (command valid any time)
  316.   stm32f1x lock bank_id
  317.         Lock entire flash device.
  318.   stm32f1x mass_erase bank_id
  319.         Erase entire flash device.
  320.   stm32f1x options_read bank_id
  321.         Read and display device option byte.
  322.   stm32f1x options_write bank_id ('SWWDG'|'HWWDG') ('RSTSTNDBY'|'NORSTSTNDBY')
  323.             ('RSTSTOP'|'NORSTSTOP')
  324.         Replace bits in device option byte.
  325.   stm32f1x unlock bank_id
  326.         Unlock entire protected flash device.
  327. stm32f1x.cpu
  328.       target command group (command valid any time)
  329.   stm32f1x.cpu arm
  330.         ARM command group (command valid any time)
  331.     stm32f1x.cpu arm core_state ['arm'|'thumb']
  332.           display/change ARM core state
  333.     stm32f1x.cpu arm disassemble address [count ['thumb']]
  334.           disassemble instructions
  335.     stm32f1x.cpu arm mcr cpnum op1 CRn CRm op2 value
  336.           write coprocessor register
  337.     stm32f1x.cpu arm mrc cpnum op1 CRn CRm op2
  338.           read coprocessor register
  339.     stm32f1x.cpu arm reg
  340.           display ARM core registers
  341.     stm32f1x.cpu arm semihosting ['enable'|'disable']
  342.           activate support for semihosting operations
  343.     stm32f1x.cpu arm semihosting_fileio ['enable'|'disable']
  344.           activate support for semihosting fileio operations
  345.   stm32f1x.cpu arp_examine arp_examine ['allow-defer']
  346.         used internally for reset processing
  347.   stm32f1x.cpu arp_halt
  348.         used internally for reset processing
  349.   stm32f1x.cpu arp_halt_gdb
  350.         used internally for reset processing to halt GDB
  351.   stm32f1x.cpu arp_poll
  352.         used internally for reset processing
  353.   stm32f1x.cpu arp_reset
  354.         used internally for reset processing
  355.   stm32f1x.cpu arp_waitstate
  356.         used internally for reset processing
  357.   stm32f1x.cpu array2mem arrayname bitwidth address count
  358.         Writes Tcl array of 8/16/32 bit numbers to target memory
  359.   stm32f1x.cpu cget target_attribute
  360.         returns the specified target attribute (command valid any time)
  361.   stm32f1x.cpu configure [target_attribute ...]
  362.         configure a new target for use (configuration command)
  363.   stm32f1x.cpu curstate
  364.         displays the current state of this target
  365.   stm32f1x.cpu eventlist
  366.         displays a table of events defined for this target
  367.   stm32f1x.cpu examine_deferred examine_deferred
  368.         used internally for reset processing
  369.   stm32f1x.cpu invoke-event event_name
  370.         invoke handler for specified event
  371.   stm32f1x.cpu itm
  372.         itm command group (command valid any time)
  373.     stm32f1x.cpu itm port <port> (0|1|on|off)
  374.           Enable or disable ITM stimulus port (command valid any time)
  375.     stm32f1x.cpu itm ports (0|1|on|off)
  376.           Enable or disable all ITM stimulus ports (command valid any time)
  377.   stm32f1x.cpu mdb address [count]
  378.         Display target memory as 8-bit bytes
  379.   stm32f1x.cpu mdh address [count]
  380.         Display target memory as 16-bit half-words
  381.   stm32f1x.cpu mdw address [count]
  382.         Display target memory as 32-bit words
  383.   stm32f1x.cpu mem2array arrayname bitwidth address count
  384.         Loads Tcl array of 8/16/32 bit numbers from target memory
  385.   stm32f1x.cpu mwb address data [count]
  386.         Write byte(s) to target memory
  387.   stm32f1x.cpu mwh address data [count]
  388.         Write 16-bit half-word(s) to target memory
  389.   stm32f1x.cpu mww address data [count]
  390.         Write 32-bit word(s) to target memory
  391.   stm32f1x.cpu tpiu
  392.         tpiu command group (command valid any time)
  393.     stm32f1x.cpu tpiu config (disable | ((external | internal <filename>) (sync <port width> |
  394.               ((manchester | uart) <formatter enable>)) <TRACECLKIN freq>
  395.               [<trace freq>]))
  396.           Configure TPIU features (command valid any time)
  397.   stm32f1x.cpu was_examined was_examined
  398.         used internally for reset processing
  399. target
  400.       configure target (configuration command)
  401.   target create name type '-chain-position' name [options ...]
  402.         Creates and selects a new target (command valid any time)
  403.   target current
  404.         Returns the currently selected target (command valid any time)
  405.   target init
  406.         initialize targets (configuration command)
  407.   target names
  408.         Returns the names of all targets as a list of strings (command
  409.         valid any time)
  410.   target smp targetname1 targetname2 ...
  411.         gather several target in a smp list (command valid any time)
  412.   target types
  413.         Returns the available target types as a list of strings (command
  414.         valid any time)
  415. target_request
  416.       target request command group (command valid any time)
  417.   target_request debugmsgs ['enable'|'charmsg'|'disable']
  418.         display and/or modify reception of debug messages from target
  419. targets [target]
  420.       change current default target (one parameter) or prints table of all
  421.       targets (no parameters) (command valid any time)
  422. tcl_notifications [on|off]
  423.       Target Notification output
  424. tcl_port [port_num]
  425.       Specify port on which to listen for incoming Tcl syntax.  Read help
  426.       on 'gdb_port'. (command valid any time)
  427. tcl_trace [on|off]
  428.       Target trace output
  429. telnet_port [port_num]
  430.       Specify port on which to listen for incoming telnet connections.
  431.       Read help on 'gdb_port'. (command valid any time)
  432. test_image filename [offset [type]]
  433. test_mem_access size
  434.       Test the target's memory access functions
  435. tpiu
  436.       tpiu command group (command valid any time)
  437.   tpiu config (disable | ((external | internal <filename>) (sync <port width> |
  438.             ((manchester | uart) <formatter enable>)) <TRACECLKIN freq>
  439.             [<trace freq>]))
  440.         Configure TPIU features (command valid any time)
  441. trace
  442.       trace command group
  443.   trace history ['clear'|size]
  444.         display trace history, clear history or set size
  445.   trace point ['clear'|address]
  446.         display trace points, clear list of trace points, or add new
  447.         tracepoint at address
  448. transport
  449.       Transport command group (command valid any time)
  450.   transport init
  451.         Initialize this session's transport (command valid any time)
  452.   transport list
  453.         list all built-in transports (command valid any time)
  454.   transport select [transport_name]
  455.         Select this session's transport (command valid any time)
  456. usage [command_name]
  457.       Show basic command usage; command can be multiple tokens. (command
  458.       valid any time)
  459. verify_image filename [offset [type]]
  460. verify_image_checksum filename [offset [type]]
  461. version
  462.       show program version (command valid any time)
  463. virt2phys virtual_address
  464.       translate a virtual address into a physical address (command valid
  465.       any time)
  466. wait_halt [milliseconds]
  467.       wait up to the specified number of milliseconds (default 5000) for a
  468.       previously requested halt
  469. wp [address length [('r'|'w'|'a') value [mask]]]
  470.       list (no params) or create watchpoints

  1. Open On-Chip Debugger 0.10.0
  2. Licensed under GNU GPL v2
  3. For bug reports, read
  4.         http://openocd.org/doc/doxygen/bugs.html
  5. Warn : Interface already configured, ignoring
  6. Error: already specified hl_layout stlink
  7. Info : The selected transport took over low-level target control. The results might differ compared to plain JTAG/SWD
  8. adapter speed: 1000 kHz
  9. adapter_nsrst_delay: 100
  10. none separate
  11. Info : Unable to match requested speed 1000 kHz, using 950 kHz
  12. Info : Unable to match requested speed 1000 kHz, using 950 kHz
  13. Info : clock speed 950 kHz
  14. Info : STLINK v2 JTAG v37 API v2 SWIM v7 VID 0x0483 PID 0x3748
  15. Info : using stlink api v2
  16. Info : Target voltage: 3.177531
  17. Warn : UNEXPECTED idcode: 0x2ba01477
  18. Error: expected 1 of 1: 0x1ba01477
  19. in procedure 'init'
  20. in procedure 'ocd_bouncer'

terminal openocd连接stm32

  1. ioreg -p IOUSB -l -b | grep -E "@|PortNum|USB Serial Number"

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使用道具 举报








Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2020-10-6 19:50:56 | 显示全部楼层

  1. Open On-Chip Debugger 0.10.0
  2. Licensed under GNU GPL v2
  3. For bug reports, read
  4.         http://openocd.org/doc/doxygen/bugs.html
  5. Warn : Interface already configured, ignoring
  6. Error: already specified hl_layout stlink
  7. Info : The selected transport took over low-level target control. The results might differ compared to plain JTAG/SWD
  8. adapter speed: 1000 kHz
  9. adapter_nsrst_delay: 100
  10. none separate
  11. Info : Unable to match requested speed 1000 kHz, using 950 kHz
  12. Info : Unable to match requested speed 1000 kHz, using 950 kHz
  13. Info : clock speed 950 kHz
  14. Error: open failed
  15. in procedure 'init'
  16. in procedure 'ocd_bouncer'

  1. For bug reports, read
  2.         http://openocd.org/doc/doxygen/bugs.html
  3. Warn : Interface already configured, ignoring
  4. Error: already specified hl_layout stlink
  5. Info : The selected transport took over low-level target control. The results might differ compared to plain JTAG/SWD
  6. adapter speed: 1000 kHz
  7. adapter_nsrst_delay: 100
  8. none separate
  9. Info : Unable to match requested speed 1000 kHz, using 950 kHz
  10. Info : Unable to match requested speed 1000 kHz, using 950 kHz
  11. Info : clock speed 950 kHz
  12. Info : STLINK v2 JTAG v37 API v2 SWIM v7 VID 0x0483 PID 0x3748
  13. Info : using stlink api v2
  14. Info : Target voltage: 3.177024
  15. Warn : UNEXPECTED idcode: 0x2ba01477
  16. Error: expected 1 of 1: 0x1ba01477
  17. in procedure 'init'
  18. in procedure 'ocd_bouncer'

一体优盘数据恢复 www.rflashdata.com
回复 支持 反对

使用道具 举报








Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2020-10-7 05:36:19 | 显示全部楼层
reset halt
wait_halt 2
flash write_image erase XX.elf
verify_image xx.elf
reset run
dump_image xx.bin 0x000000
一体优盘数据恢复 www.rflashdata.com
回复 支持 反对

使用道具 举报








Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2022-2-27 17:24:57 | 显示全部楼层
  1. https://mbd.kleier.net/integrating-st-link-v3.html
data recovery service www.rflashdata.com 数据热线+86 18620923827(微信whatsapp)
回复 支持 反对

使用道具 举报

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